Terms & Conditions

The terms “us”, “our” and “we” refer to Wabi-Sabi Japan™ (Wabi-Sabi Japan), a registered trademark of The Trimble Travel Group Ltd., a company incorporated in Canada under the laws of the province of Ontario and a tour operator registered under the Travel Industry Council of Ontario (registration number 50016978). All trips offered are subject to the standard Terms & Conditions listed below and also found in our Trip Booklets. Please read and understand these terms and conditions carefully before completing your reservation.  

All trip prices and fees listed are per person in US dollars unless otherwise stated. Single travellers will pay a single supplement which relates to the surcharge most hotels and ryokans charge for single occupancy. Your final itinerary will list what is and what isn’t included in this price. The trip price is based on a fixed number of participants and should this number change we reserve the right to change the price accordingly. Our trips generally start at $1,200 per person per day but the final price will depend greatly on the number of participants and the details of your personal requests.  

The following is the payment schedule:

  • 30% of the ballpark trip price per person is required to confirm a booking. Please note, in some cases where special arrangements are made (boat/plane charters, holiday bookings at hotels/ryokans) a larger non-refundable deposit may be required. All initial deposits will be applied to your final payment.
  • Full payment is due no later than 90 days prior to the trip start date. If this payment is not received at or before 90 days, we reserve the right to release all reservations made on your behalf and assume you have cancelled your trip. In this case; all standard cancellation fees will be applied. If reserving your trip within 90 days of departure, full payment is required to confirm your booking.

Payment can be made by personal cheque, bank draft or wire transfer.

Cancellation Fees
If you must cancel your trip, the cancellation fees are as follows:

Days prior to your trip       Fee per person

91+                                        $500

31-90                                     50% of the trip price

0-30                                       100% of the trip price

All notices of cancellation must be written to be effective and you must receive a written confirmation of the cancellation from Wabi-Sabi Japan. The date of cancellation will be the date the written cancellation is received by Wabi-Sabi Japan.

Cancellation/Interruption Insurance

We strongly recommend that you purchase trip cancellation insurance. Wabi-Sabi Japan is an authorized retailer of trip cancellation products offered by RBC Insurance (Royal Bank of Canada Insurance). We will provide you with a custom quote upon request.  

Trip Cancellation and Changes to Your Trip
Wabi-Sabi Japan reserves the right to cancel any trip at any time if the safety or quality of the trip is judged to be compromised. In such circumstances, we will refund all payments received by Wabi-Sabi Japan and this shall constitute full settlement. However, we cannot be held responsible for any additional losses you may incur on travel arrangements or air tickets due to the trip cancellation. Once again, we strongly recommend Trip Cancellation/Interruption Insurance.  
Wabi-Sabi Japan also reserves the right to make alterations to your trip as it deems necessary or desirable and to pass on to you any expenditures or losses caused by delays or events beyond our control. Itineraries are subject to change at any time due to unforeseen circumstances or circumstances beyond Wabi-Sabi Japan’s control. We will make very effort to operate trips as planned but changes may occur after the final itinerary has been issued to you.
We will do our best to accommodate any changes to the final itinerary you request but these may incur additional fees.  

Traveller Responsibility
All travellers assume the responsibility to select or design the trip most appropriate to their physical abilities and interests. Travellers are responsible for being in sufficiently good health to undertake their trip; for obtaining the appropriate medical and cancellation insurance;  for studying all pre-departure information; and for acting in a manner considerate of fellow travellers and the countries visited. Travellers assume full responsibility for any loss, injury, death or damage to them, their family or their dependants arising in connection with their participation, or the participation of their family, in the trips, and for ensuring that they have adequate insurance coverage to cover any loss.

Travel Documents and Passports
It is the responsibility of each traveller to ensure they have the appropriate travel documents and that they meet all necessary entry requirements for the country you will be visiting. Although we do our best to provide accurate information about these requirements they do vary by country and nationality so we ask that each traveller contact the appropriate embassy or consulate in their country of residence.

By sending an initial deposit for your trip (or final payment depending on the timing of your reservation) you certify that that you do not have any physical condition or disability that would create a hazard for you or other travellers. You are responsible for making sure you have received all appropriate vaccinations. Please consult with your doctor.

The trip price does not include any personal or health insurance coverage and we strongly recommend that you review your personal insurance and your health insurance to ensure you have coverage appropriate to meet your needs, and the needs of your family and dependants, in case of any loss of property, or accident, injury or death. We can sell travel medical insurance through RBC Insurance to Canadian residents who are covered by provincial health plans.  

Third Party Services
In response to your requests for third party services outside of the scope of your Wabi-Sabi Japan trip we may recommend the services of travel companies and other support companies. Although we try to recommend only companies that provide the highest level of service, we cannot guarantee the services provided by these third party service providers. Wabi-Sabi Japan cannot be liable for any expenses or costs arising from any services, or lack thereof, provided by any of these third party service providers.


Any form of travel involves risks. Our trips are often to remote regions where transportation, communication and infrastructure services may not be readily accessible and may not be sophisticated or of the same standard you are accustomed to at home. Our trips may involve physical activity and, depending on the condition of the traveller, there is a risk of serious personal injury, including permanent disability and death from accident, illness or the actions or negligence of other persons. Medical facilities may not be readily accessible and may not be as sophisticated or of the same standard you are accustomed to in your home country. There are other risks associated with the trips, including theft or loss of or damage to property.  

Limitation of Liability, Release and Indemnity
To be eligible to take a Wabi-Sabi Japan trip, travellers must accept these risks and assume full responsibility for any loss, injury, death or damage to them, their family or their dependants arising in connection with their participation, or the participation of their family, in the trip. Travellers must have their own insurance appropriate to their needs and the needs of their family or dependants in respect of such loss, injury, death or damage.  
Although Wabi-Sabi Japan endeavours to choose appropriate independent suppliers to provide services on the trips, Wabi-Sabi Japan has no right to control their operations and therefore makes travel arrangements for the trips on the condition that Wabi-Sabi Japan will not be liable for any act or omission of any independent supplier or any unrelated third party. The services provided by independent suppliers are subject to the laws of the place where the services are provided, and any conditions imposed by those suppliers. The liability of the independent suppliers may be limited by their tariffs, conditions of carriage, tickets and vouchers, and international conventions and agreements.  
The cost of all Wabi-Sabi Japan trips is based on travellers agreeing to this Limitation of Liability, Release and Indemnity. In consideration for participating in the trips, travellers agree not to sue Wabi-Sabi Japan in respect of, and forever release them from, all liability for economic loss and physical or mental injury, direct or indirect, arising in connection with the trip – including, without limitation, permanent disability and death; any emotional distress; any loss of services, financial support, aid, consortium or companionship; and any damage to or loss of property – in each case even if caused in whole or in part by the conduct, including the negligence, of Wabi-Sabi Japan, except where such loss, injury or damage is caused by reckless or fraudulent conduct on the part of Wabi-Sabi Japan or their employees, guides, shareholders, officers or directors, in which case the traveller retains the right to sue only Wabi-Sabi Japan in respect of that conduct. Travellers further agree that they will indemnify and hold Wabi-Sabi Japan harmless in respect of any claims arising in connection with the trip made by: i) third parties, which arise from the misconduct of the travellers; ii) the traveller’s family members, dependants or heirs, iii) third parties, which the traveller, their estate, their family members, dependants or heirs have sued, if damages are recovered from such third parties, to the extent the third party obtains any indemnification from Wabi-Sabi Japan; except where the loss, injury, death or damage is caused by the reckless or fraudulent conduct on the part of Wabi-Sabi Japan, or their employees, guides, shareholders, officers or directors.  
Wabi-Sabi Japan reserves the right to decline accepting or retaining any traveller whose health or actions in Wabi-Sabi Japan’s sole judgement impede the operation of a trip or the welfare or enjoyment of fellow travellers. In further consideration for participating in the trip, travellers agree that Wabi-Sabi Japan, or their designate, may use any photographic or film records of the trips for promotional and/or commercial purposes, without any remuneration to the traveller. The traveller agrees to assign all right, title and interest they may have in or to any media in which their name or likeness might be used to Wabi-Sabi Japan.
Travellers agree that The Trimble Travel Group Ltd. is the trustee of the respective rights of Wabi-Sabi Japan under this Limitation of Liability, Release and Indemnity, which will apply to a traveller’s trips with Wabi-Sabi Japan, and any transfer of a reservation to another trip, including any pre-trip or post-trip extensions. This Limitation of Liability, Release and Indemnity is binding upon all members of the traveller’s family, dependants, estate, heirs, successors and legal personal representatives. Any claim or dispute arising out of or relating to this Limitation of Liability, Release and Indemnity or its interpretation, the trip, or the traveller’s relationship with Wabi-Sabi Japan will be resolved exclusively in the courts of the Province of Ontario and will be governed exclusively by Ontario law.  

Copyright © 2017 Wabi-Sabi Japan™, a registered trademark of The Trimble Travel Group Ltd.  


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